
Highlights from the ProVen Shareholder Event 2022

Learn more about our annual shareholder event for the ProVen VCTs, which featured insights from Beringea, the boards of the ProVen VCTs, and several innovative companies backed by the two VCTs.

The ProVen VCTs hosted their annual shareholder event for 2022 on Wednesday 16 November. The morning featured presentations from Beringea – the manager of the ProVen VCTs – as well as panel discussions with Beringea partners and the chairs of the ProVen VCTs, and presentations from portfolio companies.

Following two years impacted by the pandemic, this marked a return to in-person events for the ProVen VCTs. However, the decision was taken to host the session as a hybrid event. This provided an opportunity to retain the positive features of our virtual events, which have expanded our reach for our annual event across the U.K. while returning to the benefits of meeting with our shareholders who can attend in-person.

The morning began with presentations from the Beringea partners, kicking off with two sessions on today’s economic context and what this has meant for the performance of the ProVen VCTs from Malcolm Moss and Stuart Veale. These were followed by presentations on investment activity and portfolio management from Eyal Malinger and Maria Wagner.

Natasha Christie-Miller, Director of PGI VCT, and Karen McCormick, Beringea’s Chief Investment Officer, then hosted a fireside chat discussing how Beringea and ProVen have supported portfolio companies during turbulent economic periods. After this, a panel of Directors of the ProVen VCTs and members of the Beringea leadership team answered questions from our shareholders.

To finish off the morning session, we got to see presentations from three of the ProVen VCTs’ portfolio companies. Rajeeb Dey MBE introduced shareholders to Learnerbly, the workplace learning and development platform that he founded in 2016. Guy Battle then delivered a presentation on Social Value Portal, a platform for measuring, monitoring, and analysing social impact. The final presentation was delivered by Emma Heal and Luke Boase from Lucky Saint, a superior alcohol-free lager.

We hope that everyone who attended found the event informative and insightful. Recordings of key presentations and discussions from the ProVen Shareholder Event 2022 are now available online here.

If you have any questions, get in touch with Beringea on 0207 845 7820 or at info@beringea.co.uk.


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The ProVen products are managed by Beringea, a specialist award-winning venture capital firm. If you have any questions contact us at:

020 7845 7820 | info@beringea.co.uk

020 7845 7820

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