
ProVen Estate Planning Service scores 87 in the Tax Efficient Review

The independent review by Martin Churchill and Hugh Rogers ranked the ProVen Estate Planning Service with an impressive 87 out of 100

The ProVen Estate Planning Service (PEPS) announces today that it has been highly rated with an impressive 87 out of 100 secured from the latest Tax Efficient Review (TER), issue number 485, September 2022.

The TER is an independent research service for financial advisers edited by Martin Churchill and Hugh Rogers. As one of the longest-standing reviewers of tax efficient investment products - such as Venture Capital Trusts and business relief (BR) services – the TER provides insightful analysis on the performance, strengths, and weaknesses of providers.

As part of its annual analysis of the unquoted BR market, TER noted that PEPS, which offers investors access to BR-qualifying investments for inheritance tax planning, has shown “impressive” recent performance, generated returns that exceed targets, and offered the positives of a “tailored investment proposition.”

The PEPS offers access to investments in thee trading companies that operate in two distinct strategies: the first strategy is focused on the UK solar industry, and the second provides loans and finance to UK-based SMEs.

In the TER’s annual ranking of trading companies backed by BR services, the two solar-focused companies available in the PEPS achieved first and second place. The Tax Efficient Review noted that £100 invested across the two solar companies five years ago would be worth £144 today - an uplift more than ten per cent greater than the closest-ranked company.

“This is a huge outlier of performance within the normally narrow constraints of the unquoted business relief market,” the report concluded. It noted that “there are positives to like about this offer regarding its tailored investment proposition, small size (at £93m) and the performance has been impressive.”

The overall blended return for investors in PEPS has been 5.2% a year over the past five years, which is above the stated target returns of 4-5% a year.

Andrew Webster, investment director at Beringea - the manager of PEPS - commented on the report: “The Tax Efficient Review showcases the outstanding performance of the companies within the solar strategy and the steady uplift of the lending trading companies on the PEPS platform, despite the current turbulent times.

“We’re delighted with the blended five-year track record of 5.2% p.a., which exceeds our target return and puts us among the top performers amongst our peers.”

To find out more about our service, please read our brochure or call us on 020 7845 7820.

Please note that investments in the ProVen EstatePlanning Service (PEPS) involve risk, and they are not suitable for everyone. The value of investments may go down as well as up, and shareholders may not get back the full amount they invested. Additionally, UK tax rules and regulations relating to inheritance tax are subject to change. The information relating to tax reliefs in the Prospectus for the current offer is believed to be correct at the date of the Prospectus.

As with all investments, your capital is at risk and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

This article is for UK residents interested in finding out more about Business Relief and the ProVen Estate Planning Service strategies. It is not our intention to offer legal, tax or investment advice, and we always recommend that investors seek professional advice that can take account of their personal circumstances before making any investment or estate planning decisions. An investment in the ProVen Estate Planning Service should be considered high risk and past performance is not a good indicator of future results.

Important notice: issued by Beringea LLP of Charter House, 55 Drury Lane, London, England WC2B 5SQ, registered in England & Wales number OC342919 and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, number 496358.


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